The story so far

The Story So Far

Ok so it’s finally time to sit back and do some writing for the site, and why has it taken over 18 months since the last post.

Because I decided that I was going to build the site out as an eCommerce store. And it has kept me busy solidly since then. is a two way project, one objective was to have my own site from which I could have a musical soundboard, to both record my own music and house it.

And to create a website from scratch and drive traffic to it, as my day job is as an SEO.

So to kill two birds with one stone I started to both build a website, and to share music.

Now the site is an ecommerce affiliate site, it has over 12,000 products on it across all musical genres.

So please free to look around and follow the instrument trail to find something you like.

All the products and brands in store are accessible from the main navigation mega menu at the top of the page.

It has taken a year of pretty much solid work to get it up to scratch, so I’m just glad it’s ready now for people to visit and hopefully enjoy.


So the other part of this is the SEO acid test, and can the site now compete with the major established online music retailers.

This will take some time, but it basically means if I can’t then I should give up now, so that’s my challenge. To increase the traffic to the site from basically zero visitors presently. To a website that increases in visitors on a monthly basis moving forward, competing for keyword targets, and hopefully creating some revenue.

From the actual process of building the site I have learned loads, at times things have gone completely tits up, losing hard drives of data because you never backed up and having to start from scratch.

It’s been a ride, but well worth it, the main thought was always to have a site I can have as a musical hub, to record my own music using music software, and make videos for them as a hobby.

Then I thought well fuck it why not make it an affiliate site and try and make a couple of quid.

Then that turned into, fuck it if I’m going to do that why not build an ecommerce site, and it took me loads longer than I thought it would for sure.

But its here now, so hopefully you will enjoy it.

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