Keith - Life

Keith Cannot Be Killed By Conventional Weapons!

I love the Stones.

In fact I fucking love the Stones, they are a myth that exists in front of your very eyes. I’m not arsed if they have a combined age of 896, they are all the better for it. Because after all, at the core they are Bluesmen. And you don’t get good at the blues till your at least 58, so in that sense they’re only just getting started.

In my humble opinion the best part about this internet thingy is YouTube. The all knowing Oracle of YouTube, and if your a musician, its a dream. If you want to learn to play any song at all, its guaranteed there’s someone out there in this big wide world of ours sitting in a bedroom with an acoustic guitar and an iPhone/webcam, recording himself/herself being dead cool in the house. I salute you bedroom Barr Chord Bangers. You’ve taught me loads.

But I really like when you find little rare videos of your favorite musicians, which brings me to the point.

I love this video of the Stones sitting off as they listen to the playback of Wild Horses. Boss Tune.

Keith looks elegantly wasted. Or just fucking smashed depending on your point of view.


Deltabluestips told me that Keith cannot be killed by conventional weapons, and I believe him.

Read his book its the best music book ever.

Keith - Life








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2 Responses to “Keith Cannot Be Killed By Conventional Weapons!”

  1. deltabluestips June 29, 2013 at 11:11 pm #

    Thanks for the shout. I would be there in person but i’ve gout!


  2. Kyryll October 5, 2015 at 8:22 pm #

    lmao, love the title. No, Keith ain’t going anywhere until he gets bored. Then he will light up a death-stick, smirk and move to wherever the hell he wants.

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