What Music Does To Your Brain
I couldn’t cope in work without music, I really couldn’t. And its not because I think my co-workers are weirdo’s, its more to do with the sheer boredom of the routine really.
I enjoy what I do, but like anything else there’s always aspects I like better than others, and that’s when you get bored isn’t it, when you’re stuck in the middle of same shit different day syndrome.
I just need a rhythm really, a good fucking rhythm to think “fuck it, lets get a brew on and crack the fuck on.”
And I’ve noticed that my style in music changes as the week goes on, so its not uncommon to start Monday off with OK Computer by Radiohead, and to end up on a Friday having a silent rave in my little corner of the room, with a steady groove blasting my ears out while my fellow workers are wondering why I’m shaking my head around like a loon.
I think you would be hard pressed to find a group of workmates who never preferred listening to music whilst working, unless they’re a bunch of miserable fuckers.
Anyway I was reading this article on TNW (The Next Web) Its featured below.
Like most people, music is a huge part of my life and my tastes are constantly changing based on how I feel or what I’m doing.
which highlights the importance of music not only to the workplace, but to the bonding process of human beings as a whole…..deep eh!
Damn. I forgot my headphones.
Nothing has a more negative impact on my day than showing up to our office without them.
Like most people, music is a huge part of my life and my tastes are constantly changing based on how I feel or what I’m doing.
I listen to the most music while I work, sifting through playlists, from jazz, to indie pop, to electronica, on what seems to be a never-ending search for the perfect tunes to keep me in the zone.
When I looked back at all my favorite playlists, I wondered what effect music has had on my work and more specifically, which types of music have had the most impact.
I thought it’d be interesting to take a dive into the science behind the deep power of music to find out if it actually helps you work better.
Why you love music
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